Terms of business
Uvjeti poslovanja odnose se na prodaju proizvoda ponuđenih na www.gea-magia.com. Korištenjem ove web stranice Kupac potvrđuje da je upoznat i suglasan s Uvjetima poslovanja obrta i uvjetima kupnje. Smatra se, da narudžbom i u cijelosti prihvaćaju Uvjeti poslovanja obrta i uvjeti kupnje. Korištenjem stranice www.gea-magia.com Kupac potvrđuje da je upoznat i suglasan s Uvjetima poslovanja obrta i korištenja alata na web stranici. Nositelj svih prava na web stranici www.gea-magia.comje Firšt Vl. Mario Firšt
Uvjeti korištenja propisuju uvjete i pravila za Kupce i odnose se na korištenje web stranice www.gea-magia.com. Korištenjem web stranice Kupci iskazuju da se slažu s Uvjetima poslovanja obrta i korištenja te pristaju na korištenje web stranice www.gea-magia.comu skladu s njima. Kupce upućujemo da se prije same kupovine upoznaju s ovim Uvjetima te iste redovito provjeravaju kako bi bili upoznati sa svim pravima i obavezama.
Pravo korištenja web stranice www.gea-magia.com osobno je pravo korisnika i ne može se ni na koji način prenositi na druge fizičke ili pravne osobe niti je bilo koji korisnik ovlašten prijavljivati druge fizičke ili pravne osobe.
The product purchase agreement between the Buyer and the Seller is concluded at the moment of the product order.
The buyer can only be an adult and capable of doing business. Contracts can be concluded in the name and on behalf of minors and persons completely incapable of business by their legal representatives or guardians, and persons partially capable of business may conclude the contract only with the consent of their legal representative or guardian. The Seller bears no responsibility for actions contrary to this provision.
Kupac je osobno odgovoran za zaštitu povjerljivosti zaporki, na mjestima gdje one kao takve postoje. Kupac je dužan dati točne, potpune i važeće osobne podatke prilikom ispunjavanja registracijskog obrasca. Postupanje suprotno tome, ovlašćuje Prodavatelja da uskrati takvom korisniku pristup ili ostvarenje svih ili dijela usluga koje nudi www.gea-magia.com.
Kupac je upoznat sa činjenicom da ponekad dolazi do prekida usluga, ili do događaja koji su izvan kontrole obrta Firšt te prihvaća da obrt Firšt nije odgovoran za bilo kakav gubitak podataka do kojeg može doći za vrijeme prijenosa informacija na internetu. Korisnik se slaže i prihvaća da pristup internetskim stranicama ponekad može biti u prekidu, privremeno nedostupan ili isključen.
Obrt Firšt zadržava pravo u bilo kojem trenutku i bez prethodne najave ako to smatra potrebnim, ukinuti ili izmijeniti sadržaj Uvjeta poslovanja, asortimana proizvoda, cijene proizvoda ili sadržaja web stranice www.gea-magia.com . Stoga su Kupci dužni prije svakog korištenja web stranice www.gea-magia.compregledati sadržaj Uvjeta poslovanja. Suprotno postupanje oslobađa Prodavatelja bilo kakve odgovornosti. Navedene promjene stupaju na snagu objavom na www.gea-magia.com.
Korištenje ove web stranice www.gea-magia.com isključivo je na odgovornost Kupca. Prodavatelj se oslobađa od svake odgovornosti za štetu koja je mogla nastati prilikom posjete web stranici www.gea-magia.com uslijed protupravnih radnji trećih osoba, računalnih virusa, prekidom u komunikacijskoj liniji, neovlaštenim pristupom, neprikladnim ponašanjem, nemarom i slično te drugih slučajeva za koje nije odgovoran Prodavatelj. Prodavatelj je oslobođen svake odgovornosti u slučaju nastanka okolnosti koje onemogućavaju korištenje www.gea-magia.com internetske stranice. Uvjeti ovog poglavlja odnose se na cjelokupni sadržaj web stranice www.gea-magia.com.
All contents posted on the website are posted to facilitate the customer's choice when shopping. We are not responsible for unintentional errors.
www.gea-magia.com sve materijale, fotografije i tekst postavlja na web stranicu u dobroj namjeri kako bi kupcu olakšali odabir prilikom kupovine.
www.gea-magia.com ne jamči da fotografije proizvoda u potpunosti odgovaraju izgledu samog proizvoda. Za moguće nenamjerne greške kod opisa proizvoda ne odgovaramo. Moguće su različiti stvarnog proizvoda i fotografije proizvoda te opisanog proizvoda na ovim stranicama, ukoliko proizvođač izmijeni neku od karakteristika ili sadržaj proizvoda. Svi opisi se redovito i detaljno provjeravaju.
The Consumer Protection Act applies to business conditions (N.N.41/14, 110/15).
The meaning of the terms mentioned in these general conditions
1) Seller – GEA MAGIA, pottery trade and services, Ivana Mažuranića 42, 31500 Našice – Firšt ,Vl. Mario Firšt, J.J.Strossmayera 29, 31500 Našice
2) www.gea-magia.com website owned by the Seller
3) Buyer - every person who, after reviewing and selecting a product or service, registered their data and ordered a product or service. Uses for the purpose of purchasing products advertised on the same or obtaining information about a particular product.
4) Use ofwww.gea-magia.com” – svaka osoba koja web stranicu „www.gea-magia.com ” koristi u svrhu ostvarivanja kupnje proizvoda oglašenih na istoj ili dobivanja informacija o pojedinom proizvodu
5) Korištenje „www.gea-magia.com “ – pristup stranici www.gea-magia.com radi dobivanja informacija o sadržaju iste i/ili ostvarivanja web trgovine
6) Online shopping or web store – ostvarivanje kupnje proizvoda putem „www.gea-magia.com”
7) Products – svi proizvodi koji su istaknuti na „www.gea-magia.com”, a koje je moguće kupiti putem web trgovine.
Web store - conclusion and termination of the sales contract
Predmet i komercijalna svrha Ugovora je kupovina odabranog proizvoda ili usluge putem “www.gea-magia.com ” web trgovine uz plaćanje odgovarajuće naknade – cijene toga proizvoda ili usluge. Ugovor se zaključuje sredstvima daljinske komunikacije (Ugovor sklopljen na daljinu) i to putem: internet narudžbe-web trgovina, tiskanih promidžbenih poruka s narudžbenicom, telefona s ljudskim posredovanjem.
Proizvodi koje je moguće kupiti oglašeni su na „www.gea-magia.com ” a uz svaki proizvod navedeni su podaci o specifikaciji proizvoda, cijeni.
The desired product is selected by saving it in the basket by clicking on the Basket link. If the Buyer makes a purchase of a product that, in the meantime, has been sold, then the Seller will contact the buyer to agree on further action (refund of the amount paid, purchase of another product or delivery of a product of the same type when the Seller obtains it from its suppliers). The Seller, apart from the obligation just mentioned, is not liable to the Buyer in the described case on any basis.
In the basket there are all the products that the Customer has chosen for purchase together with the price of the product and the price of delivery, as well as the total price (VAT included). If the Customer wants to continue with the purchase, he selects the Buy link, and the system then automatically takes him to the page Order in which it is necessary to confirm the data provided by the customer during registration, the delivery address, confirm or possibly change the delivery of the invoice and the selection of the method. The details of the invoice can be changed in relation to whether the invoice is received by a natural person or a legal entity. If the invoice is received by a legal entity, it is necessary is for the customer to enter all the required data.
After completing the aforementioned steps of the web store and selecting Buy on the Order page, the system automatically takes the Customer to the Order Confirmation page, which contains information about the order number, payment, as well as a notification about sending a confirmation email containing the offer sale of selected products and notification of e-mail address and toll-free telephone number through which the Customer can obtain all necessary information.
Payment methods
Plaćanje na internetskoj stranici www.gea-magia.com vrši se u eurima. Cijene su maloprodajne. Iznos u eurima dobiva se konverzijom cijene po fiksnom tečaju HNB-a 1 EUR = 7,53450 HRK. Cijena svakog proizvoda određena je za svaki proizvod pojedinačno. Proces upisivanja cijene na stranicu visoko je kontrolirani proces no unos cijena zahtjeva ljudski faktor te podrazumijeva mogućnost nastanka greške. Sve navedene cijene vrijede za kupovinu online, neovisno o eventualnoj cijeni za isti proizvod u trgovini.
The seller is authorized to change prices without prior notice, just as he is authorized to change prices exclusively for the web shop without prior notice. Also, the Seller is authorized, without prior notice, at any time to determine a discount, daily or weekly promotions, promotions for an individual product, a group of products and/or for all products. The mentioned benefits may be exclusive to online shopping, which will be indicated to the customer before the purchase itself.
Regardless of the previous point of these General Terms and Conditions, all ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid when the offer was made.
You can pay for the ordered products in the following ways:
Transactional and upon collection.
Uplata na IBAN Firšt : HR38 2340 0091 5607 5563 8
Call number: 99 - offer number
Recipient: Firšt,J.J.Strossmayera 29, 31500 Našice
OIB: 80667608979
After receiving the payment, we will send you the ordered products.
The ordered products are delivered to the customer in accordance with the delivery conditions.
In order to make a purchase on the web shop, registration is not mandatory. It is only necessary in the first step of the checkout process to leave a valid e-mail address (the one to which you have access) so that after entering the data required for delivery, it will be possible to send you an order confirmation.
Delivery costs
Dostava za sve narudžbe kupljene u www.gea-magia.com web trgovini se vrši prema cjeniku za slanje kurirskom službom Hrvatska pošta GLS.
Delivery to the city of Našice is free, and it is possible to pick it up in person at the GEA MAGIA studio.
Delivery process
U slučaju narudžbe u gradu Našice, narudžbu možete preuzeti u GEA MAGIA studiju na adresi Ivana Mažuranića 42.
Delivery is made through delivery services that provide shipping and transport services.
The products will be packed in such a way that they cannot be damaged by normal handling during transport.
The customer is obliged to check for possible damage when taking over the product and report it immediately to the delivery worker who received the goods. delivered, that is, refuse to take delivery of a shipment with visible external damage. When taking over the goods, the customer is obliged to sign the delivery note or the delivery note, and the delivery service takes it as a confirmation of takeover.
In cases where a product different from the one he bought was delivered to the customer, he has the right to deliver the ordered product, and if this is not possible, the customer has the right to a refund in the amount of the product price paid, the delivery price and compensation for the cost of returning the product, and is obliged to return incorrectly delivered product.
In the event that the Seller is not able to deliver the purchased product within the specified period, he will inform the Buyer about this in order to agree on a new delivery period. In this case, the Buyer has the right to terminate the Agreement.
During delivery, along with the purchased product, the Buyer receives all the documents accompanying the product.
Cijene dostave istaknute su na www.gea-magia.com .
Order status
During the processing of the shipment, the buyer may receive a notification by email about the status of his shipment.
Right to return
Defects for which the seller is not responsible
The seller is not responsible for defects if they were known to the buyer at the time of the contract or could not be made available to him remain unknown.
It is considered that those defects that a careful person with average knowledge and experience of a person of the same occupation and profession as the buyer could easily notice during a normal inspection of things could not remain unknown to the buyer.
The provision of paragraph 2 of this article does not apply to contracts concluded by a natural person as a buyer outside of his economic or professional activity with a natural or legal person who acts as a seller within the framework of his economic or professional activity (consumer contract).
The seller is responsible for defects. which could be easily noticed by the buyer if he stated that the item has no defects or that the item has certain characteristics or features.
Item inspection and visible defects
The buyer is obliged to inspect the received item in the usual way or to have it inspected, as soon as this is possible according to the regular course of things, and to notify the seller of visible defects within eight days, and in the case of a commercial contract without delay, otherwise he loses the right he has on that basis belongs.
When the inspection is carried out in the presence of both parties, the buyer is obliged to communicate his objections due to visible defects to the seller immediately, otherwise he loses the right that belongs to him on that basis.
If the buyer shipped the item further without transshipment, and the seller knew or must have known the possibility of such further shipment when concluding the contract, the inspection of the item may be postponed until its arrival at the new destination, and in this case the buyer is obliged to inform the seller of the defects as soon as possible was able to find out about them from his clients in the regular course of things.
In consumer contracts, the consumer as a buyer is not obliged to inspect the item or submit it for inspection, but he is obliged to inform the seller of the existence of visible defects within two months from the day he discovered them lack.
Hidden defects
When, after receipt of the item by the buyer, it turns out that the item has some defect that could not be detected by a normal inspection when taking over the item, the buyer is obliged, under the threat of loss of rights, to inform the seller about this defect within two months from on the day he discovered the defect, and in the case of a commercial contract – without delay. of one year, and in the case of commercial contracts, a shorter term.
The seller is not responsible for defects that appear after two years have passed since the item was handed over, and six months in the case of a commercial contract.
In the case of the sale of second-hand goods, the contracting parties may agree on a term of one year, and in the case of commercial contracts, a shorter term.
The contract may extend the terms referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article.
Unilateral termination of the contract
Da bi Kupac mogao ostvariti pravo na jednostrani raskid Ugovora, mora obavijestiti Firšt o svojoj odluci o jednostranom raskidu Ugovora prije isteka roka.
Izjavu je potrebno poslati poštom na Firšt ,J.J.Strossmayera 29, 31500 Našice, Hrvatska ili elektroničkom poštom na info@gea-magia.com
In the statement it is necessary to state: invoice number, invoice date, name and surname, address, phone number, fax or e-mail address.
Ako korisnik jednostrano raskine Ugovor, izvršit će mu se povrat novca koji je od njega primljen, uključujući i troškove isporuke, bez odgađanja, a najkasnije u roku od 14 (četrnaest) dana od dana kada Firšt zaprimi korisnikovu odluku o jednostranom raskidu Ugovora, osim ukoliko je korisnik odabrao drugu vrstu isporuke, a koja nije najjeftinija standardna isporuka koja je ponuđena.
Povrat novca bit će izvršen na isti način na koji je korisnik izvršio uplatu. U slučaju da korisnik pristaje na drugi način povrata plaćenog iznosa, ne snosi nikakve troškove u odnosu na povrat. Povrat novca Firšt može izvršiti tek nakon što mu roba bude vraćena ili nakon što mu bude dostavljen dokaz da je roba poslana nazad.
Korisnik je dužan robu predati ili je poslati na adresu Firšt
J.J.Strossmayera 29 31500 Našice , Hrvatska bez nepotrebnog odgađanja, a u svakom slučaju najkasnije u roku od 7 (sedam) dana od dana kada je uputio svoju odluku o jednostranom raskidu Ugovora.
Izravne troškove povrata robe korisnik mora snositi sam. Korisnik se moli da prije raskida Ugovora nazove na broj telefona +385989225390 ili se javi na info@gea-magia.com kako bi mu bio objašnjen postupak vraćanja robe.
If you find during the first use that the product you received is defective or that you are not satisfied with it, please contact us and follow the steps listed.
Send us information with the order number, invoice number or with your username, complaint description and product image by e-mail to info@gea-magia.hr. info@gea-magia.com.
We will send you a confirmation of receipt of the complaint and, based on your description, information on whether the product can be exchanged for a new one and whether the product can be refunded.
Kad proizvod stigne na adresu obrta, šaljemo Vam obavijest o povratu novaca/slanju zamjenskog proizvoda. Povrat novca/zamjena za novi proizvod bit će odrađena unutar 2-3 dana, a najkasnije nakon 15 dana. U suprotnom nas kontaktirajte telefonski na +385989225390 ili e-mailom na info@gea-magia.com
If the shipment is damaged during transport, such damage is visible when you pick up the shipment, and in that case, please do not pick up the shipment. Please contact us so that we can check the condition of the shipment as soon as possible and send a new one.
We believe that we will resolve your complaint to our mutual satisfaction.
Protection of personal data
The seller collects personal data of customers only to the extent necessary to fulfill their obligations and can use them to inform about new and promotional products and to deliver promotional materials, newsletters, to improve relations with customers and to verify other data necessary for online shopping.
Pristup bazi Kupaca s osobnim podacima Kupaca uz Firšt
J.J.Strossmayera 29
31500 Našice, Hrvatska, ima i tvrtka Grundler Grupa d. o. o., specijalizirana firma za izradu web trgovina.
The seller undertakes to protect the Buyer's personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and undertakes not to transfer personal data to third parties without the Buyer's consent (except for data that is necessary for business partners to carry out the delivery of the purchased product). This excludes cases in which the Seller, by a valid order of authorized state bodies, in accordance with the law, is obliged to provide or allow access to the Buyer's personal data.
J.J.Strossmayera 29
31500 Našice, Hrvatska ne bilježi broj vaše kreditne kartice niti pohranjuje transakcijske podatke te za naplatu kreditnih kartica koristi usluge treće strane, ovlaštene banke, koja enkripcijom štiti vaše podatke.
The customer has the right to request the addition, correction or exchange of inaccurate personal data.
Privacy statement
We undertake to protect the personal data of customers, in such a way that we collect only necessary, basic data about customers / users that are necessary for the fulfillment of our obligations; we inform customers about the way the collected data is used, we regularly give customers the option of choosing about the use of their data, including the option of deciding whether or not they want their name removed from lists used for marketing campaigns.
All user data is strictly protected and accessible are only for employees who need this data to perform their work. All our employees and business partners are responsible for respecting the principles of privacy protection.
Cookie policy
Kako bi stranice www.gea-magia.com ispravno radile, one moraju na računalo korisnika spremiti malenu količinu informacija (Cookies). Prema regulacijama EU, Firšt
J.J.Strossmayera 29
31500 Našice, Hrvatska prije spremanja kolačića mora zatražiti pristanak korisnika. Korištenjem web stranice www.gea-magia.com web trgovina korisnik pristaje na upotrebu cookie-a.
Korisnik isključivanjem kolačića odlučuje hoće li dopustiti pohranjivanje kolačića na svom računalu. Postavke kolačića mogu se kontrolirati I konfigurirati u web pregledniku koji korisnik koristi za pregledavanje web stranica. Ukoliko korisnik onemogući kolačiće postoji mogućnost da stranica neće moći koristiti neke od funkcionalnosti koje daje www.gea-magia.com web trgovina.
Praise and complaints
Written complaint, response, notifications
In accordance with Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act, if you are dissatisfied for any reason, you can send a written complaint to the www.gea-magia.com online store.
Firšt , J.J.Strossmayera 29, 31500 Našice, Hrvatska Vam omogućuje podnošenje pisanog prigovora putem pošte, telefona +385989225390 ili putem maila info@gea-magia.com
In order to determine as quickly as possible the specific order you object to, please state the order number, invoice number or your first and last name in the objection.
J.J.Strossmayera 29
31500 Našice, Hrvatska će vam potvrditi primitak prigovora pisanim putem bez odgađanja, a odgovor će Vam stići u roku od 15 (petnaest) dana od dana zaprimljenog prigovora.
Za sve informacije, pohvale, primjedbe, reklamacije kao i svake druge obavijesti Kupci se mogu obratiti na adresu:,Firšt J.J.Strossmayera 29, 31500 Našice, info@gea-magia.com
OIB: 80667608979
Platform for online dispute resolution
With the special regulation of the European Union, from February 15, 2016, it will be possible to resolve disputes related to online purchases throughout the EU through the ODR platform. The dispute resolution platform is available on the website http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
This means that if you encounter a problem during an online purchase within the EU, i.e. disputes related to online ordering, you should first try to solve it without involving courts.
Consumers can use this link for cross-border consumer disputes. For consumer disputes in relation to traders from the Republic of Croatia, this possibility does not exist until the procedure is supported by the necessary legal regulations by the authorized bodies of the Republic of Croatia.
Other provisions
1) Prodavatelj daje pravo Kupcima koristiti sve usluge na „www.gea-magia.com” samo za osobne potrebe, u nekomercijalne svrhe. Promjena sadržaja na „www.gea-magia.com”, u bilo kojem njegovom obliku, zabranjena je kao i kopiranje, javno izvođenje i sl. Uporaba sadržaja „www.gea-magia.com” na drugim web stranicama je zabranjen.
2) Prodavatelj zadržava pravo dati prava za objavljivanje bilo kojeg materijala, dijelova „www.gea-magia.com” trećoj osobi samo u slučaju sklopljenog ugovora koji uređuje prava i obveze Prodavatelja i trećeg koji objavljuje informaciju.
3) When purchasing any product, which is the subject of copyright or intellectual property rights, the Seller does not grant any additional rights of use and publication, except for the expressly granted right or permission from the manufacturer / distributor of the product.
4) Kada „www.gea-magia.com” odgovarajućim linkovima pruža mogućnost posjeta drugih web stranica drugih osoba, iste nisu u vlasništvu Prodavatelja i ovi Uvjeti u slučaju korištenja predmetnih web stranica na primjenjuju se u odnosu na Prodavatelja i Kupca. Prodavatelj te web stranice ne kontrolira i ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost za bilo koju od njih ili njihov sadržaj. Posjet tim stranicama u cijelosti je na vlastiti rizik Kupca i Prodavatelj ne snosi nikakvu odgovornost.
5) Although the Seller makes every effort to ensure that all published information about the product is accurate, it is possible that the information about a particular product is not updated or correct, in which case the Seller will inform the Buyer who placed the order, after which the Buyer has the right to remain with his order or is to change. The photos with the products are only illustrative in nature.
6) The seller reserves the right to publish content in English in cases where:
it is about the name of the product, its parts or functions in English
it is about expressions in English that are generally accepted in the Croatian language, that is, it is about common terminology
there is a risk that significant information cannot be translated into Croatian with enough precision without losing its meaning.